Gifts for Children Staying at CHRISTUS Children's
Toys and Activities Help Make CHRISTUS Children's Stays More Enjoyable
A hospital stay can be a stressful and difficult time for children and their families. Our Child Life Department works to reduce anxiety and stress for our patients and families. One of the ways we do this is by providing comfort items, toys, and distraction items that are familiar to the child. Play is an essential part of childhood, facilitating healing, coping, creativity, and more. To provide year-round therapeutic play opportunities, our Child Life Department needs the help from our community in the form of donations. Donated toys and gifts are used throughout the hospital for patients varying in age and diagnosis.
All donations must be brand new, for infection control purposes, with the exception of DVDs, video games, and books, which may be gently used. Please do not gift wrap any donations. We need to make sure the item is age appropriate for the child who receives it.
Below is our wish list detailing items we use the most. Please note that most items specify that plastic is preferred so that it can be disinfected and used by more than one family. Most fabric items are limited in use, due to the risk of spreading germs. Donations can be shipped to the hospital directly from Amazon, or you may schedule a donation drop-off appointment. For more information regarding both methods, please call our Child Life Coordinator at 210-704-2550. Thank you for your generosity and helping support our children and their families.