Patient Rights & Safety
Patient Rights
CHRISTUS Health is committed to providing care and service of the highest quality and assuring that the basic human rights of expression, decision making, and personal dignity are preserved.
CHRISTUS Health respects the inherent dignity of each person and recognizes the rights of patients regardless of their race, creed, color, religion, gender, age, disability, national origin, orientation, or source of payment.
The following statements summarize your rights and responsibilities as a patient. Please keep this information for reference, review it carefully, and share it with those involved in your care. If you are unable to exercise any of these rights, your legally authorized representative may exercise these rights on your behalf.
Your Stay
- Respect, Compassion, and Dignity. You have the right to considerate, compassionate, and respectful care at all times in an environment that promotes positive self-image.
- Access to Care. You have the right, within the Hospital’s capacity, policies, mission statement, and applicable law, to a reasonable and impartial response to your request for treatment or services that are available or medically indicated.
- Communication. You have the right to effective, unrestricted communication within the capacity of the Hospital unless restrictions are necessary for your care. Such restrictions will be fully explained to you and your family with your participation.
- Identity. You have the right to know the identity and professional status of the person(s) responsible for the delivery of your care, treatment, and services. You also have the right to know the relationship between the Hospital and other health care providers involved in your care.
- Information. You and, when appropriate, your family, have the right to be involved in decisions about your treatment and care, and to be informed about outcomes of care, including unanticipated outcomes.
- Notification of Family and Physician. You have the right to have a family member or representative of your own choice, and your own physician notified promptly of your admission to the Hospital.
Your Care
- Pain Management. You have the right to management of your pain with assessment and treatment.
- Refusal of Treatment. You have the right to refuse treatment, including life-sustaining procedures, to the extent permitted by law and the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Healthcare Services, and should be informed of the medical consequences of this action.
- Advance Directives. You have the right to create or present Advance Directives (such as a Directive to Physicians and Family or Surrogates, a Medical Power of Attorney, or a Living Will) and to know that the terms of your directives will be followed in accordance with the law and the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services. Your Advance Directives shall be placed in your medical record and should be reviewed periodically. You are not required to have an Advance Directive in order to receive care.
- Informed Consent. You have the right to reasonable, informed participation in decisions involving your health care. You have the right to give informed consent prior to the start of any procedure or treatment.
- Filming and Recording. You have the right to give informed consent, authorization, or the right to refuse filming or recording of your care for uses other than for treatment, payment, or health care operations.
- Research and Clinical Trials. You have the right to be informed if your physician proposes to engage in or perform research, investigational studies, or clinical trials affecting your care or treatment. You have the right to refuse to participate in such research projects. Refusal will not affect your access to care or treatment.
- Ethical Issues. You and your designated representatives have the right to participate in the consideration of ethical issues that arise during your care. If you or your family need help making difficult decisions, counselors, chaplains, and others are available to consult. Each will fully consider the physical, mental, social, spiritual, and cultural issues that influence your treatment.
- Transfer and Continuity of Care. You have the right not to be transferred to another facility or organization until you have received a complete explanation of the need for the transfer and of the alternatives to such a transfer. Any transfer of patients must be acceptable to the other facility or organization. You have the right to be informed of continuing health care requirements that your physician feels you may need after you leave the hospital.
Hospital Services
- Hospital Charges. Regardless of the source of payment for your care, you have the right to request and receive an itemized and detailed explanation of your total Hospital bill for services rendered.
- Interpretive Services. You have the right to qualified interpretation services free of charge if you have special communication needs due to deafness, blindness, and/or limited English proficiency.
- Complaint Resolution. You have the right to register a complaint concerning any aspect of your stay/ care and receive follow-up contact from a patient care representative, and to clarify policies and procedures pertaining to our services, including your rights and responsibilities as a patient. Your complaint(s) shall not compromise current access to care or services and/or future access to care.
For any unresolved complaint(s) or grievance, you may contact the:
- Hospital campus specific Patient Care Representative
- CHRISTUS Health Integrity Line at 1-888-728-8383 or Integrity Link at (available 24 hours per day/365 days per year).
- Texas Department of State Health Services, Health Facility Compliance Group/MC 1979, 1100 West 49th St., Austin, TX 78756 or call 512-834-6650 or 1-888-973-0022.
- Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, P.O. Box 629, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-0629 or call 225-342-9500
- New Mexico Department of Health, Incident Management, P.O. Box 26110, Santa Fe, NM 87502-6110 or call 1-800-752-8649
- DNV a 866-496-9647 or via email at
Organ or Tissue Donation: You have the right to accept or decline the opportunity to become an organ tissue donor. Please make your wishes known to a CHRISTUS representative.
Patient Responsibilities
You are responsible for following hospital rules and regulations affecting patient care and comfort.
- Consideration. You are responsible for being considerate of the rights of others while in the Hospital. Please help us by controlling noise, observing our no-smoking policy, and limiting the number of your visitors.
- Giving Information. You are responsible for providing accurate and complete information about your health and for reporting changes in your condition.
- Pain Management. You are responsible, in consultation with your physician and nurse, for measuring the amount of pain you experience. You are responsible for telling a member of your health care team if your pain is not relieved and any concerns you may have regarding taking pain medications. You are also responsible for following your prescribed pain management plan.
- Following Instructions. You are responsible for following the treatment plan recommended by your doctors, nurses, and other care givers and for reporting to your doctor the side effects of any treatments. You should also make it known if you do not clearly understand a course of action in your treatment. If you refuse treatment or fail to follow the directions of your physicians and other health care providers, you assume full responsibility for the consequences of your decision.
- Financial Responsibility. You are responsible for ensuring that the financial obligations of your health care are fulfilled at time of service.
These rights and responsibilities are to promote a better Hospital/patient relationship in keeping with the Mission, Vision, and Core Values of CHRISTUS Health.
[References: TAC§133.42; 42CFR§482.12; TJC R.I. 1.10 – 3.10 and V.T.C.A., Health & Safety Code, T.4, Ch. 324]