Pediatric Inpatient Rehabilitation
Pediatric Inpatient Rehab
An entire team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping your child overcome the effects of a serious illness or injury that has impacted their ability to walk, care for themselves by feeding and grooming themselves, or speak.
Impairment in two or more of the following:
- Self-care activities, including dressing, bathing, and feeding
- Mobility, including walking, wheelchair propulsion, and transfers
- Speech and cognitive skills, including speech, language, and swallowing disorders
- Orthotic prosthetic management, including use and care of prostheses, braces, or adaptive aids
- Significant disabilities not manageable in an outpatient setting
Conditions Treated:
- Brain Injuries
- Burns
- Deconditioning
- Multiple Trauma
- Neuromuscular Disorders
- Oncology
- Orthopedic Impairments
- Pediatric Pain Disorders
- Spinal Cord Injury
Rehabilitation Takes Teamwork
You and your child are the most important members of our team. As a parent, you will play an essential role in setting goals and developing a plan for your child’s recovery. We will help you learn new skills so you are prepared to take care of your child once you return home.
An experienced team of doctors will oversee your child’s care and monitor their progress on a daily basis.
PTs help your child regain movement, restore function, and rebuild confidence. They focus on improving walking, strength, endurance, and gross motor skills.
OTs help children improve their independence after illness or injury. They focus on activities of daily living such as eating, dressing, brushing teeth and hair, and bathing. They use play activities and exercise to improve motor skills, proprioception, eye-hand coordination, and functional mobility. Occupational therapists fabricate splints and assess the need for adaptive equipment.
SLPs focus on helping your child in three main areas: communicating, swallowing, and thinking (cognition). They will play an important role in your child’s ability to improve their speech, voice quality, problem-solving skills, memory skills, reading and writing, and oral motor/feeding skills.
These professionals will help with preadmission assessments, biosocial summaries, program orientations, patient-family team conferences, clinical updates to insurance companies, discharge planning, and community re-entry and follow-up. They can also help to identify the resources you and your child may need once you return home such as medical equipment and supplies.
Child Life Specialists can help your child develop skills to cope with the stress of being in the hospital. They support your child’s growth and development with activities focused on self-expression through playtime, art and music. Child life specialists are trained in child development and help promote effective coping skills.
CHRISTUS Genetics Clinic
CHRISTUS Children's has a monthly Prader-Willi syndrome multidisciplinary clinic based in San Antonio, Texas. If you or your child has a confirmed diagnosis of Prader-Willi, you can be referred to the clinic to receive coordinated care from our experienced specialists, including geneticists, ENT doctors, endocrinologists, pulmonologists, sleep medicine specialists, psychologists, dietitians, social workers, and speech pathologists.
Visit CHRISTUS Genetics Clinic