Breast Augmentation

Breast Enlargement

Breast enlargement, also called Augmentation Mammaplasty, is one of the most commonly performed procedures in plastic surgery because of its ability to quickly and dramatically improve a woman’s appearance. Breast augmentation can increase the fullness and projection of your breast, improve the balance of your figure, and enhance your self-image and self-confidence. Breast augmentation does this through the use of saline-filled or silicone-filled breast implants, which are usually placed behind your breast and chest wall muscle. Women choose to have breast augmentation performed for a variety of reasons. Pregnancy, breast-feeding, and weight fluctuation have a significant impact on the volume, firmness, and symmetry of the breast, causing a woman to feel self-conscious and dissatisfied with their appearance. Others feel that their breasts are under-developed and wish to have fuller, larger breasts, which are more proportional to their body.


During your consultation, your medical history, drug allergies and current medications will be reviewed and a detailed breast history will be obtained. For most patients, it is advisable to have a mammogram prior to surgery. Your doctor will discuss why you want breast augmentation surgery, your expectations from surgery, and your desired outcomes. Anytime a woman considers undergoing breast augmentation surgery, it’s natural to feel some anxiety, so don’t be shy about discussing these feelings during your consultation.Your doctor will examine your breasts, including detailed breast measurements, skin quality and nipple position. Based on these finding, your options for breast enhancement will be discussed. The procedure of breast augmentation will be reviewed in detail including the likely outcomes, and any risks or potential complications associated with your surgery. You will also have the opportunity to try on different sizes of breast implants within a bra in order to help you determine the implant size that you feel is best for you.

What to Expect During the Surgery & After

Breast augmentation is performed on an outpatient basis, usually in an ambulatory surgery center, using general anesthesia. With general anesthesia you are completely asleep and do not feel any pain. In a breast augmentation procedure, an incision is most commonly made in the crease below the breast. The incision may be slightly longer if silicone-filled breast implants are used because they are pre-filled, whereas saline-filled breast implants are filled after placement. Implants are inserted either above the chest wall muscle (sub-glandular or pre-pectoral), or more commonly, below the muscle (sub-muscular or sub-pectoral). Placement under the muscle creates a more natural appearance and has a lower incidence of scarring around the implant (capsular contracture). Drains are not necessary, sutures are absorbable, and dressing can be removed in 24 hours.

After Surgery

Typically, patients are able to return to work with in a few days after breast augmentation surgery, breast soreness usually resides after 1-2 weeks, and you may resume exercise in 4-6 weeks. The results of your breast augmentation surgery are immediately visible. Over time, post-surgical swelling will resolve and incision lines will fade. Satisfaction with your new image should continue to grow as you recover.

Types of Implants

Textured vs. Smooth Implants

Smooth breast implants are the softest feeling. These implants can move with the breast implant pocket, which may give more natural movement. Smooth implants may have some palpable or visible rippling. Textured breast implants develop scar tissue to stick to the implant, making them less likely to move around inside of the breast and get repositioned. Texturing may possibly offer a slight advantage in diminishing the risk of forming a tight scar capsule (capsular contracture) around the implant.

Implant Profiles

Implants profiles refer to the amount of projection in relation to the implant width for a given implant size. The higher profile options can achieve more projection and less width than the lower profiles.Your doctor will help determine which profile will provide you with your desired outcome. Implants are manufactured in a variety of sizes ranging from 100 cc to 800 cc.

Breast Lift

Breast augmentation does not elevate the nipple position or correct sagging breasts. If you want your breasts to be lifted and have a higher nipple position, a breast lift may be required. Breast lifting can often be done at the same time as your augmentation or in some instance it may require a separate operation.