Take a Joint Health Assessment

Check Your Risk for Joint Health

Measure Your Risk for a Joint Disorder

Do you have joint pain? One in five people have painful joints, and 55 million have been diagnosed with joint pain (arthritis). Joint pain can happen at any age. It occurs when the smooth covering on the ends of your bones becomes damaged or worn. Your joints swell and become painful. Sometimes pain goes away with rest, over-the-counter medications and ice. But if you have sore joints, it’s time to take the CHRISTUS Health joint disorder risk assessment.

The review is an important tool. Questions include information about age, weight, type of pain you are experiencing and your level of physical activity. You’ll receive a detailed report based on your answers when you finish the questions.

A grandma and her granddaughter gardening together
Get My Health Report

How Can I Use This Report to Improve My Health?

After you take the joint disorder assessment, you immediately receive a report. The report highlights risk factors and recommends changes to your lifestyle to reduce your chance of developing a joint disorder. It also provides a link to orthopedic care at CHRISTUS Health. 

Take the First Step

Painful joints are a leading cause of disability. There are several ways your doctor can help. Joint injections offer relief, and if medications and injections don’t work, joint replacement surgery can get you back to your daily activities. The assessment is the first step to finding out what is causing your pain and how to feel better.

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What Happens if My Joint Disorder Report States I Am at Risk?

A CHRISTUS Health nurse will contact you if the report shows you are at risk. You can also talk with your primary care doctor or contact a member of our orthopedic team. Your doctor may send you for imaging and blood tests, which can provide additional information about what is causing your pain. Find out what is causing your joint pain. Take the assessment.


A joint disorder aware assessment
Take the Joint Health Assessment