Health Science Library
CHRISTUS Health’s Office of Research & Academics fosters a vibrant culture of inquiry, discovery and research. It remains fully committed to provide necessary infrastructure for ascending scholarly performance and scientific contributions. Health Sciences Libraries play a critical leadership role in ensuring that the clinical workforce at CHRISTUS Health have access to the most current medical literature and best available evidence.
Service Request
Submit all service requests directly to for:
- Access to full-text articles
- Literature research consultations
- Library research instructions
- Effective use of online search portals (PubMed Central, Medline Plus, UptoDate, etc.)
- Onsite library support (Corpus Christi only)
- Other library services
Onsite Medical Literature Resources
CHRISTUS Health offers the convenience of the following brick-and-mortar Health Sciences Libraries to our associates and patrons:
CHRISTUS Spohn Shoreline, Corpus Christi, Texas
Physically located at CHRISTUS Spohn Health System in Corpus Christi, Texas, the Health Sciences Library serves a variety of research, academic, and medical education needs of professionals from medical, nursing, and other ancillary care disciplines with traditional library research and comprehensive reference services. The Library carries an onsite collection of a wide variety of textbooks and current subscriptions to pertinent journals in the fields of medicine, nursing, and health care administration. It features study areas, computers, printers, copiers, scanners, and faxing services. After-hours access may be available by request for employees with a CHRISTUS Health ID badge. The Health Sciences Library support, such as access to electronic full-text articles, can be remotely extended to all research investigators and associates across CHRISTUS Health at no cost to them. All such requests, along with bibliographical information, can be sent directly to
CHRISTUS Children's, San Antonio, Texas
The Harold S. Toy, M.D. Memorial Health Science Library is located on the fifth floor of the Goldsbury Center for Children and Families. The library is open Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. The library holdings consist of a collection of 115 journals and an array of text books. View a complete list of journals available.
Services Offered to our Medical Staff, Residents, and Professional Staff
- UpToDate - Point of Care evidence-based medical information. Access from any CHRISTUS desktop. Also available as a mobile application.
- Nursing Consult - Access 30+ full text nursing journals, a large array of electronic textbooks, patient education tools, and clinical guidelines. Access via the CHRISTUS Health Intranet page or in-house via a desktop icon.
You can search MEDLINE by going to the National Library of Medicine PubMed site at